Free or Low Cost Prescription Medication Options

Free or Low Cost Prescription Medication Options

According to the National Health Council, an estimated 133 million Americans (45% of the country’s total population) are living with a chronic disease or health issue. Illnesses not only make everyday life more complicated, but they also create a major financial strain for patients.

Many uninsured or underinsured Americans are faced with three options: Go into debt paying for treatment they can’t afford, go untreated, or settle for subpar medications. The first choice leads to financial hardship, the second two can lead to worsening symptoms and even death.

There is good news. Free or low cost prescription medication options are available, and Simplefill is driven to provide as many people with the medication they need.

Prescription Assistance Programs (PAPs) are offered by pharmaceutical companies to provide qualified patients with affordable treatment options. However, the system is complex, and many patients miss out on low cost prescriptions because they don’t know how to navigate each PAP.

Simplefill is an advocacy group providing low income prescription assistance to patients across the country. We guide patients throughout the process to ensure they get access to the medications they need at a fraction of the cost. By offering expert advice, tailored support, and a knowledgeable customer service network, Simplefill aims to provide a “simple solution to a complex problem.”

Patients should not have to forfeit their health due to limited or lack of a prescription coverage. To get access to the free or low cost medications you deserve, fill out our application or chat with one of our representatives to get started. If you have any questions, we’re just a phone call, email, or live chat away to talk you through the process. Simplefill takes the hardship out of staying healthy, and we’re proud to help hundreds of patients every month. Join us today!

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